It is matter of joy, I say. Nepal said good bye to the infamous company, which wast trying to handle water mangement of Kathmandu Valley, that was just like fishing in the troubled water. The minsitery of Physical Planning and Workls turned deaf ear to so called ultimatum of Severn Trent Water International (ST). Bravo!!!
I would like to congratulate the ministry and minister Hisila Yami for her stand not to accept any foreign company with bad work history. Despite pressure from the Asian Development Bank the government ignored an ultimatum of a foreign company which is the only bidder for taking over Kathmandu Valley’s drinking water supply. Can you imagine, that the Melamchi project was going to pay that corrupt company as much as 8.5 million dollars in six years?
ADB is gonig to lend 120 million dollar to us (remember, it is a loan, not grant, we have to pay it back one day) so that Nepal may construct a tunnel to bring water from Melamchi river and provide it to the residents of the Kathmandu Valley. Indeed, it is the major lender for the country’s biggest drinking water project in Nepal and it is mysterious why ADB want ST to manage our water (of course, there is commission everywhere).
But I wonder, whether the government or the donors ever really asked the people of Kathamndu valley (I mean the genuine resident of the valley, not like those of Gopal Man Singh or Madhav Kumar Nepal) if they really need that costly water. Everything is being done by those people who present the valley as water-trapped city and by creating artificial scarcity, they want to provide us a solution which is goning to cost us as much as 500 million dollars. Shame on those selfish technicians, who sell their mothers' milk for petty profit.
For over 300 years, the residents of valley have been drinking water from stone spouts. Those spouts quite older than ADB, Suman Kumar Sharma, Sima Rajauriya or Gopal Man Singh himself. We did not have to worry about any other water sources for centuries. Now, they all are creating problems for their benefit. See, in past one decade or two, over 20 major water spouts have been deleberately damaged - one after another - so that the people may feel th irsty adn say ok to Melamchi project. Who is gonig to stop those sadists?
Let the governmet first decide that the valley need no more water sources than we have and then we will be wroking in real strenght.
I don't say that we can say no to Melamchi at this turn of events. The population of the valley has been increased by 10 times. Many of our water sources have been damaged; and in the name of modernisation, we have developed a culture to use more water and waste it.
In this situation, we should better be more cautious and take more responsibility so that no other Kuire guy come and sell any such dream which is going to cost us or our children very very much.
All the foreign companies should be kicked out of Nepal. Why can't Nepalese themselves do such works like building hydro power project or managing water supply system?
Keep it up Mrs Yami. Bravo!
Good bye Severnt Trent !
Thank you so much you critical view. Individually and institutionally we are really appreciate with you.
Ratan Bhandari
I have also sent a comment to Kantipur Daily day yesterday before but they didn't published. Here is the version of my comment.
hn;|f]t ljsf; / d]nDrLsf s'/f
hn;|f]tdf cGt/f{li6«o kl/k|]SIf ;"o{k|;fb ;'j]bLsf] h]7 ! sf] sflGtk'/df k|sflzt n]vn] kl5Nnf lbgx?df e}/x]sf hn;|f]t;DaGwL ultljlwnfO{ phfu/ u/]sf] 5 . /fHo sdhf]/ /x]sf] a]nf j}b]lzs x:tIf]k a9\g] u/]sf] / o;af6 g]kfnsf] hn;|f]t If]q ;d]t c5'tf] /xg g;s]sf] tYo ljutsf cg'ejx?n] l;4 u/]sf] 5 . rfx] Tof] sf]zL, u08s tyf dxfsfnLsf] ;jfndf xf];\ of kl5Nnf]k6s rrf{df cfPsf dflyNnf]tfdfsf]zL, dflyNnf]s0ff{nL, c?0f–#, klZrd;]tL, dflyNnf];]tL, a'9Lu08sLsf] ;jfn g} lsg gxf];\ . geGb} kl5Nnf]k6s dfq} oL cfof]hgfx?df ljb]zLx?n] g+u|f uf8\g ;kmn e};s]sf 5g\ . clt ;:tf, /fd|f tyf g]kfnsf] cfGtl/s k'FhL Pjd\ k|ljlwn] g} ;Dej plNnlvt cfof]hgfx? km'Tsfpg bfp kv]{/ a;]sf ljb]zL d'gfkmfvf]/x? olta]nf g]kfnsf] /fhgLlts cl:y/tf Pjd xfd|f ax'n7\7s g]tf tyf gLltlgdf{tfx?sf] lglxt :jfy{sf] kmfObf p7fpFb} cfkm\gf] kf]N6fdf xfNg ;kmn e};s]sf 5g\ . ul/adf/f a}+ssf gfddf ljZje/L abgfd tyf kl5Nnf]k6s d]nDrLdf nufgL ug]{ lgx'Fdf ;/sf/nfO{ sf7df8f}F pkTosfsf] vfg]kfgL lghLs/0f ug{ cgfjZos bjfj lbFb} cfPsf] Pl;ofnL ljsf; a}+s;d]t klZrd ;]tLdf nufgL ug{ tlD;Psf] 5 . cfof]hgf km'Tsfpg klZrd ;]tLdf g]kfnn] olt kfpg], :yfgLo hgtfn] plt kfpg] eg]/ e|d l;h{gf ul/Fb}5 . t/ klZrd ;]tLaf6 ljb]zL nufgLstf{n] kfpg] nfe slt xf] To;sf] vf]hL slx st}af6 x'g ;s]sf] 5}g . cfof]hgfn] lbg] k|ltkmneGbf klg cfof]hgf cfpg' g} ljsf; xf] eGg] e|d clxn] klg xfdLdf 5 . t/ s'/f To;f] xf]Og .
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g]kfnsf] xfnsf] jflif{s ah]6sf] cfwfeGbf a9L /sd vr{ u/L C0f ;xof]udf d]nDrL Nofpg' / To;sf] C0fef/ b]zel/sf ;a} gful/ssf] 6fpsf]df yf]kg'{ sxfFsf] Gofof]lrt s'/f xf] < kfgL vfg] /fhwfgLjf;L, C0f ltg'{kg]{ g'g} vfg gkfpg] / kfgL g} gvfg] x'Dnfjf;L . of] s:tf] ljsf; xf] < To;}n] Jojxf/tM gofF g]kfnsf] s'/f ug]{ xf] eg] /fhwfgLdf s]Gb|Lt ;a} ;'ljwfx? s6f}tL ug'{sf] ;fy} b]zsf c? If]qdf aFfFl8g'k5{ . o;n] pkTosfsf] a9\bf] hg;+Vof rfknfO{ lgoGq0f ug{ ;wfp k'/ofpg] 5 . aflx/sf] a9\bf] hg;+Vof rfknfO{ lgoGq0f ug{ ;s] pkTosf leq}sf ;|f]tn] oxfFsf] vfg]kfgL cfk"lt{ ug{ ;lsg] s'/fdf z+sf 5}g . olb ePe/sf ;'ljwf klg sf7df8f}Fd}, z}lIfs ;+:yf, ;'ljwf;DkGg c:ktfn, cGt/f{li6«o ljdfg:ynnufotsf ;a} /fhwfgL s]lGb|t g} agfpg] xf] eg] ef]ln sf7df8f}df d]nDrL t s] lqz'nL NofPklg gk'Unf . Tolta]nf s] ug] <
/tg e08f/L
/fon – @, rf}8fd, aemfª . xfnM sf7df8f}F .
Asian Development Bank, World Bank, IMF all are corporate mafia. They are pressuring and treating our government for their own business purpose. They all are new face of NEO COLONIZATION. We have to kick out them from our country. Recently ADB celebrated its 40th Annual Governor Meeting in Kyoto, Japan. But it's 40 year is DEBT, POVERTY & POLLUTION.
Asian Development Bank is not really development bank. it is Asian Destructive Bank. ADB destructed and destructing its whole funding country with position like a Nepal.
Who is ADB? who is treating our sovereign government. We know very well who is ADB, WB and IFM. They all are NEO COLONISATION new face of so called Development country.
Case of Nepal, here are so many ADB, WB and IMF agent inside the country. They all are lobbing in favour of ADB, WB and IMF. So this is the time we have to expose all kinds of corporate mafia and there slave Nepalese allies.
Maoist minister Mrs Hisila Yami took strong stand against Kathmandu Water Pvt. Now notorious British Company Severn Trent and its Nepalese allies (Dr Ram Sharan Mahat, Gopal Man Shrestha, Birendra Man Shakya, Suman Sharma, Dr Bhola Nath Chalise) are shocked after Yami's decision. Because their earning way and commission is gone far a way.
I am grateful with Mrs Hisila Yami. Thanks once again Mrs Yami you did lots for our nation. You protect our nation from corporate mafia's (ADB, WB, IMF) hands.
Say good bye to NOTORIOUS MULTINATION, CORPORATE MAFIA like ADB, WB & IMF and their Nepalese agent. Say once again NO ADB Say from left BAD, NO WB, NO IMF.
Its our country. We have a right of decision. We never accepted MAFIA'S threat, We are not accepting MAFIA'S threat and will not be in the future. Corporate Mafia's Nepalese agent please look you face in the mirror and remember Nepal is your mother. Do for your mother. Do not sell your mother to corporate mafia.
Bimal Pokhreal
Gairidhara, Kathmandu
Nice piece
Your agreements are valuable.
We should be united to save our water and then we will be able to say no to such foreign companies.
All the best!
Can't agree more... Its not like ADP is giving us grants. Like you said, its a loan. Eventually, we have to pay it. If you look at Severn Trents history, it doesn't look too good. Privitization something like water is a huge mistake. They have tried this in Latin America and failed time and time again.
Venzuala just a month ago kicked IMF and WB out of the country. Kick them out of Nepal also, if they want to threat us.
The trade should replace aid, only then Nepal can develop, if ADB, WB, IMF and even America and India, if they want to help Nepal help establish industry, help trade boom. But they are giving fish instead of teaching how to fish. They are making us dependent on them, not helping us be independent nation.
Take for example, World Ban;s president's scandal, all foreigners and foreign aid agencies are not good. Let's treat them by their performance, not by their name.
They have no right to threat Nepal and Nepalese, like paralysing Nepal by stopping petrol. Now, Nepalese have learned that these agencies are looting Nepal for long. No more looting. Say no to looting.
Our fight is not against ADB, WB IMF or even India, our fight is against the crooks and cheats. If they want to help Nepal and Nepalese buy our goods, buy Nepalese garments, carpets.
All the bilateral and multilateral agreements must be transparent and be published in the national newspapers before signing.
These corporate mafias and some friendly countries have fooled us and some of our politicians for some time but they cannot fool all the Nepalese all the time.
Its our country, we make the secision. If somebody tries to make decision in New York, New Delhi or Geneva, its not accaptable to us, be it for Melamchi, Bhote Koshi, Karnali, Upper Tamakoshi, or even Mahakali and Koshi, Gandaki.
That's why we're in the pits of development stage todate and the rest of the world is moving ahead while we (Nepal and its people) are lagging way behind.
And you know why?
Cuz of people like you who sabotage every development project that would actually improve our lives and our standard of living.
Why can't we negotiate better deals then? Cuz we're losers - lets face it.
Had we done a better job in managing our water resources by ourselves, we wouldn't even be talking about an ADB and multi donor funded projects like the Melamchi water supply project! Nor the Bhote Koshi HP project!! Thank god for bhote koshi and Khimti hydro power projects built in time, or else we would be facing a 12 hour load shedding or more....instead of the 5 hour a day load shedding crisis we faced early this year and the last year too.
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