NC nominated Minister for Science and technology minister Mahantha Thakur, Hridayesh Tripathi, an MP from Nepal Sadbhawana Party-Anandi Devi, Mehendra Yadav of CPN (UML) and Rastriya Prajatantra Party lawmaker Ram Chandra Raya announced their resignations on Monday.
What the state and the people have gained from their presence or rather existence in our holy country? Will anybody tell me what misfoturne our country would have gone through if they were not ministers or lawmakers? Did you ever hear that minister Manata Thakur, for instance, doing some thing to save
Then, do you remember what good other “bhagoda” Madheshi leaders Hridayesh Tripathi and others?
Their political parties gave them a space, a platform to do corruption and to become leaders at their locality for past several decades. See what their neighbours earned in past 17 years and what they earned in the same period of time. The “profession” of polics is indeed a lucrative one in our context. And now, after licking the cream of party policis, they think Madheshi policis is better than the party politics. What a great idea!
Among others, I would like to ask the former Panchayati leader Ram Chandra Raya what could he do/ why he could not do anything during the Panchayati period and the King’s dictatorship that now he thinks that he could do with the alliance with the Madheshi leaders?
I have no grumble against the Madheshi antolan going around in some Terai districts. They have genuine causes to battle against this centralist political system. Still, I wonder why they cannot do so in their own parties and make their suprimos understand? It was not the failure of their respective parties alone, the same blame could also go to themselves. I’m I right dear Madhshi leaders?